What wisdom, activity or advice does this day bring you?

Bee Kind

Purple Day

On March 26, we celebrate Purple Day - Epilepsy Awareness Day. Otherwise, the world celebrates Violet Day, as most people equate purple and violet. So today, let's dress in purple, learn about epilepsy, and most importantly, how to help a person experiencing an epileptic seizure.

Bee Kind

Mother\'s Day

Today, it's our dear moms special day. So give your mom your time and take her on a trip to the unknown, give her a greeting card with a beautiful dedication, cook mom's favourite dish, or do some chores she doesn't like.

Bee Smart

International Day of Truth

You only tell the truth all day. Read more about human rights defenders such as Mohandas Karamchand, Gandhi, Oskar Schindler, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Bee Smart

World Meteorological Day

Did you know that the oceans, which cover about 70 per cent of the Earth's surface, are a significant factor in weather and climate? On this day of meteorology, learn about the origin of various weather phenomena worldwide.

Bee Kind

World Water Day

Water is life, so let us handle it carefully. Instead of a bath, we can take a quick shower and carefully turn off the tap when we don't need water, such as brushing our teeth or grinding. We water the garden with rainwater and make sure that the plumbing is well sealed.

Bee Kind

International Day of Forests

Forests are the lungs of our planet. So let's head to the forest to breathe in the fresh air on this day. Let's help preserve forests by planting a tree, drawing attention to the consequences of excessive tree cutting, learning about tree species, or building a treehouse.

Bee Kind

International Day of Happiness

We multiply happiness if we share it! So give a smile, a hug and a little attention among the people you meet today. Have you ever tried to give a compliment to a complete stranger?

Bee Active

World Sleep Day

Roll up the curtains, slip into bed and sleep all day without a guilty conscience.

Bee Active

Global Recycling Day

Consumerism has resulted in, among other things, an increasing accumulation of waste suffocating our planet. Make a cleaning campaign - clean the apartment, recycle waste, and create new useful items from old pieces.

Bee Active

ST. Patrics Day

Let's celebrate today's traditional Irish holiday in style - put on green clothes and hop into the nearest pub for a pint of cold beer.

Bee Active

No Selfies Day

Are you obsessed with selfies? Today, just for one day, skip taking photos or recording yourself and try to take a creative photo of the world around you.

Bee Active

National Napping Day

The day after an hour is inexplicably stolen by the daylight savings time change (which you'll get back at the end of October) is dedicated to napping. So take little naps all day.

Bee Smart

International Day of Mathematics and Pi Day

Are you in love with numbers? Today we celebrate the day of mathematics and the number pi! Double victory! Therefore: wear the craziest t-shirt with numbers, make a homemade pi-pizza, take part in a competition in memorizing the decimals of the number pi, or watch a maths-inspired film such as: A Short History of Time, Wonderful Mind, Pi or Gifted.

Bee Kind

Good Samaritan Day

Let's celebrate Good Samaritan Day with selfless acts and help those in need. Let's be kind to everyone, smile at a stranger on the street, and help people in need the best we can.

Bee Kind

Working Moms Day

Every mother certainly has the most challenging job in the world: simply being a mother to her children and raising them to be good people. That is why today, all the great mothers who coordinate their children's upbringing and work deserve attention. Therefore: write a thank-you letter to your mother, cook dinner or surprise her with a clean and tidy home.